Waarschuwingen Drenthe

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Clear Clear
Currently: -5.3, Min: -5.5, Max: -3.4
-5,3°C  rising

 Uncomfortably Cold 

Feels like: -9°C
Temp at 10cm height: -5,1°C
Temp height of 1.5cm: -1,4°C
Temp 20cm depth: 0,7°C
extra4: 1,0°C
  High Low
Today: -3,4°C (00:00) -5,5°C (06:32)
Yesterday: 2,6°C (15:26) -4,6°C (07:44)
Month: 8,7°C (Feb 5) -5,4°C (Feb 18)
Year: 11,9°C (Jan 27) -4,9°C (Feb 3)
Last year: 10,0°C (01:24) 8,0°C (14:09)


Rain Today:0,0 mm

Rain Rate/hr:0,0 mm

Yesterday:0,0 mm

This Month:8,0 mm

Season Total:65,8 mm

days with rain this month 4  


Wind from E

Wind from E
4,6 km/h

1 Bft
Light air

8,7 km/h

Gust today:
13,7 km/h at 07:27


Sun:   sunrise  07:42 sunset  17:50

Daylight hh:mm 10:08 (+ 4 minutes)

Moon:  moonrise  < 00:00 moonset  09:12

Waning Gibbous,  72% Illuminated

Humidity & Barometer

Humidity: steady 82%

Dew Point: rising -7,9°C

Barometer: falling 1027,2 hPa

Trend: Steady

Solar Radiation

0 W/m2 (0%)

High: 0 @  none

UV Index more information

Now: 0,0    None 

Max: 0,0 @  00:00

Last updated: 18-02-2025  07:38 => 07:38  seconds ago 
(c) 2012 - 2019 Weerstation Emmen Zuid-West | Emmen | Drenthe | Nederland

Our weatherstation Davis VP2 forecasts

Partly cloudy with little temperature change

UV Index Forecast 

Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
uv index rounded uv index rounded uv index rounded uv index rounded uv index rounded uv index rounded
1,0 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,1 1,2
 Low   Low   Low   Low   Low   Low 
UV forecast courtesy of and Copyright © KNMI/ESA (www.temis.nl). Used with permission.   - script v3: by Wim van der Kuil - Leuven-Template.eu

This stations Air quality measurements  (more)

Classification Period Concentration Index Particle            
Good latest 4,73 ug/m3 1 pm10
Good latest 3,13 ug/m3 1 pm2.5

Good 24h 6,93 ug/m3 1 pm10
Good 24h 4,68 ug/m3 1 pm2.5

Good 7d 24,72 ug/m3 3 pm10   
Good 7d 13,91 ug/m3 2 pm2.5  
      Latest measurement from: 18-02-2025 07:37   (BME280 sensor: Temp -5.1° / Hum 70% / Baro 1027 hPa)   Luftdaten #11865

Classification Index pm10 pm2.5 Our measurement values above are real-time values
The health effects should be based on 24 hours average values only.
 Good  1 < 10 μg/m3 < 10 μg/m3 Enjoy your usual outdoor activities.
2 < 20 μg/m3 < 15 μg/m3
3 < 30 μg/m3 < 20 μg/m3
 Fair  4 < 45 μg/m3 < 30 μg/m3 Enjoy your usual outdoor activities.
Are you sensitive to air pollution? Consider reducing physical effort.
5 < 60 μg/m3 < 40 μg/m3
6 < 75 μg/m3 < 50 μg/m3
 Inadequate  7 < 100 μg/m3 < 70 μg/m3 Consider reducing physical effort.
Are you sensitive to air pollution? Reduce physical effort.
If necessary, consult with your doctor about appropriate medications.
8 < 125 μg/m3 < 90 μg/m3
 Poor  9 < 150 μg/m3 < 100 μg/m3 Slow down, reduce physical exertion.
Are you sensitive to air pollution? Reduce physical effort.
If necessary, consult with your doctor about appropriate medications.
10 < 200 μg/m3 < 140 μg/m3
 Very poor  11 > 200 μg/m3 > 140 μg/m3 Slow down, reduce physical exertion.
Are you sensitive to air pollution? Reduce physical effort.
If necessary, consult with your doctor about appropriate medications.
Visit these websites Regional Air Quality site & Luftdaten.info where you can find a wealth of information

Zambretti forecast

Fine weather

Verwachting kon niet worden opgehaald

HWA 7 day graphical forecast for Weerstation Emmen Zuid-West more information
Forecast generated:
18-02-2025 06:27
Emmen (zuidwest)
Temperature max/min °C3-3 50 96 168 137
Pressure ( hPa)10271027 10241021 10201020 10151014 10161021
Amount of rain ( mm)-- -- 0.30.2 -- -2.1
Wind direction and force(Bft)











Today Tuesday
Wednesday Wednesday
Thursday Thursday
Friday Friday
Saturday Saturday
Partly cloudy Clear Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy
-3° 16° 13°
- - - - 0.3 mm 0.2 mm - - - 2.1 mm

3 Bft

3 Bft

3 Bft

3 Bft

3 Bft

3 Bft

4 Bft

3 Bft

3 Bft

3 Bft


here the graph will be drawn


PeriodForecast TemperaturePrecipitation WindPressure
10 : 13Clear  3 bft - Gentle breeze
from the East
1028 hPa
13 : 16Clear  3 bft - Gentle breeze
from the East
1027 hPa
16 : 19Partly cloudy  -1° 3 bft - Gentle breeze
from the East
1027 hPa
19 : 22Partly cloudy  -2° 3 bft - Gentle breeze
from the East
1028 hPa
22 : 01Few Clouds  -3° 3 bft - Gentle breeze
from the SE
1028 hPa
01 : 04Clear  -3° 3 bft - Gentle breeze
from the SE
1027 hPa
04 : 07Clear  -3° 3 bft - Gentle breeze
from the SE
1027 hPa
07 : 10Clear  3 bft - Gentle breeze
from the SE
1026 hPa
10 : 13Clear  3 bft - Gentle breeze
from the SE
1025 hPa
13 : 16Few Clouds  3 bft - Gentle breeze
from the SE
1024 hPa
16 : 19Partly cloudy  3 bft - Gentle breeze
from the SE
1024 hPa
19 : 22Partly cloudy  3 bft - Gentle breeze
from the SE
1024 hPa
22 : 01Partly cloudy  3 bft - Gentle breeze
from the SE
1023 hPa
01 : 04Partly cloudy  3 bft - Gentle breeze
from the SE
1022 hPa
04 : 07Partly cloudy  3 bft - Gentle breeze
from the SE
1021 hPa
07 : 10Cloudy  3 bft - Gentle breeze
from the SE
1021 hPa
10 : 13Cloudy  3 bft - Gentle breeze
from the South
1020 hPa
13 : 16Cloudy  3 bft - Gentle breeze
from the South
1019 hPa
16 : 19Cloudy  0.3 mm3 bft - Gentle breeze
from the South
1020 hPa
19 : 01Cloudy  0.2 mm3 bft - Gentle breeze
from the SW
1021 hPa
01 : 07Cloudy  3 bft - Gentle breeze
from the South
1020 hPa
07 : 13Cloudy  14° 3 bft - Gentle breeze
from the South
1018 hPa
13 : 19Cloudy  13° 4 bft - Moderate breeze
from the South
1015 hPa
19 : 01Cloudy  10° 3 bft - Gentle breeze
from the South
1014 hPa
01 : 07Cloudy  3 bft - Gentle breeze
from the South
1014 hPa
07 : 13Cloudy  13° 3 bft - Gentle breeze
from the SW
1015 hPa
13 : 19Cloudy  11° 3 bft - Gentle breeze
from the SW
1016 hPa
19 : 01Light Rain  2 mm3 bft - Gentle breeze
from the West
1019 hPa
01 : 07Cloudy  0.1 mm3 bft - Gentle breeze
from the SW
1021 hPa
07 : 13Cloudy  11° 0.1 mm4 bft - Moderate breeze
from the South
1020 hPa
13 : 19Cloudy  11° 0.2 mm5 bft - Fresh breeze
from the South
1013 hPa
19 : 01Light Rain  10° 3.5 mm6 bft - Strong breeze
from the SW
1008 hPa
01 : 07Light Rain  10° 3.4 mm5 bft - Fresh breeze
from the SW
1007 hPa
07 : 13Cloudy  13° 0.3 mm5 bft - Fresh breeze
from the SW
1007 hPa
13 : 19Light Rain, Clear  2.6 mm3 bft - Gentle breeze
from the SW
1005 hPa
19 : 01Light Rain  4.5 mm3 bft - Gentle breeze
from the West
1004 hPa
01 : 07Cloudy  0.1 mm4 bft - Moderate breeze
from the West
1008 hPa
07 : 13Drizzle  0.8 mm4 bft - Moderate breeze
from the West
1009 hPa
13 : 19Cloudy  0.3 mm3 bft - Gentle breeze
from the SW
1008 hPa
19 : 01Partly cloudy  3 bft - Gentle breeze
from the SW
1009 hPa
01 : 07Cloudy  3 bft - Gentle breeze
from the SW
1010 hPa
07 : 13Light Rain, Clear  1.1 mm3 bft - Gentle breeze
from the West
1012 hPa
13 : 19Light Rain  1.2 mm2 bft - Light breeze
from the NW
1014 hPa
19 : 01Partly cloudy  0.1 mm2 bft - Light breeze
from the NW
1017 hPa
01 : 07Clear  -1° 2 bft - Light breeze
from the West
1019 hPa
07 : 13Clear  0.1 mm3 bft - Gentle breeze
from the West
1020 hPa

Script (v3.27) ontwikkeld door Leuven-Template  - Grafiek is vervaardigd met behulp van Highcharts. - Weervoorspelling op basis van met.no data




lightning information


Clouds information

  Precipitation  radar   lightning  radar   Clouds  radar  

Soil moisture and temperature more information

in cm 
   Moisture - cb          Temperature - °C   
MinMaxActualGrow conditionsActualMax Min
Irrigation desired
(26 - 61cb)
Too cold to plant
(0 - 10°C)
Irrigation desired
(26 - 61cb)
Too cold to plant
(0 - 10°C)

You find our weather info also at:

Het Weer Aktueel

European Weather Network

Weather Underground

Wetterpage 24

Equipment we use:

Davis VP2


RaspberryPI, Wireless Weather Envoy, MeteoStick, TP-Link MR3020

Weerhuisje.nl weerstations

Davis VP2


RaspberryPI, Wireless Weather Envoy, MeteoStick, TP-Link MR3020

Weerhuisje.nl weerstations