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This stations Air quality measurements

Classification Period Concentration Index Particle            
Good latest 4,67 ug/m3 1 pm10
Good latest 3,53 ug/m3 1 pm2.5

Good 24h 6,92 ug/m3 1 pm10
Good 24h 4,68 ug/m3 1 pm2.5

Good 7d 24,71 ug/m3 3 pm10   
Good 7d 13,91 ug/m3 2 pm2.5  
      Latest measurement from: 18-02-2025 07:45   (BME280 sensor: Temp -5.1° / Hum 70% / Baro 1028 hPa)   Luftdaten #11865
Classification Index pm10 pm2.5 Our measurement values above are real-time values
The health effects should be based on 24 hours average values only.
 Good  1 < 10 μg/m3 < 10 μg/m3 Enjoy your usual outdoor activities.
2 < 20 μg/m3 < 15 μg/m3
3 < 30 μg/m3 < 20 μg/m3
 Fair  4 < 45 μg/m3 < 30 μg/m3 Enjoy your usual outdoor activities.
Are you sensitive to air pollution? Consider reducing physical effort.
5 < 60 μg/m3 < 40 μg/m3
6 < 75 μg/m3 < 50 μg/m3
 Inadequate  7 < 100 μg/m3 < 70 μg/m3 Consider reducing physical effort.
Are you sensitive to air pollution? Reduce physical effort.
If necessary, consult with your doctor about appropriate medications.
8 < 125 μg/m3 < 90 μg/m3
 Poor  9 < 150 μg/m3 < 100 μg/m3 Slow down, reduce physical exertion.
Are you sensitive to air pollution? Reduce physical effort.
If necessary, consult with your doctor about appropriate medications.
10 < 200 μg/m3 < 140 μg/m3
 Very poor  11 > 200 μg/m3 > 140 μg/m3 Slow down, reduce physical exertion.
Are you sensitive to air pollution? Reduce physical effort.
If necessary, consult with your doctor about appropriate medications.
Visit these websites Regional Air Quality site & Luftdaten.info where you can find a wealth of information

More interesting information:

Regional Air Quality site

Page does not show? Use this link https://samenmeten.rivm.nl/dataportaal/ to go to their site directly.

luftdaten map

Page does not show? Use this link https://deutschland.maps.luftdaten.info/#6/52.743880/6.898477 to go to their site directly.

Measure Air Quality yourself

Page does not show? Use this link https://sensor.community/de/sensors/airrohr/ to go to their site directly.

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Equipment we use:

Davis VP2


RaspberryPI, Wireless Weather Envoy, MeteoStick, TP-Link MR3020

Weerhuisje.nl weerstations

Davis VP2


RaspberryPI, Wireless Weather Envoy, MeteoStick, TP-Link MR3020

Weerhuisje.nl weerstations